
This being Canada’s 150th made me truly think aboot what it means to be Canadian, why I love it here and why I would never want to live anywhere else.

First, I feel embraced here. We really do welcome cultural differences. You can see it in the culinary scene in Toronto–it’s not difficult to find an Italian-Caribbean resto (called Rasta Pasta!) or just aboot any other fusion combos you can think of. I walk down the street feeling like everyone else. This isn’t always true when I visit other countries.

With everything happening and happening and happening in the news, I’m terribly grateful our politicians mostly do their work and go home. No bizarre, mean Tweets. Instead, we have a Prime Minister who’s gracious and progressive. Boring, dignified politics is wonderful.

Mostly, I’m in awe that I get to voice my opinions like this without worry for my safety. I don’t often think about this because I don’t have to, but when I do, when I think of all the people around the world who can’t speak freely, I’m humbled and thankful my parents chose Canada to be our new home all those years ago.